Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Age of UNreason...

The ability to reason is a cerebral faculty that, apparently, few choose to employ.  I propose that an even larger portion of us simply don't have the capacity to understand HOW to employ it, for the most part.  While the "we only use 10% of our brain" myth has been thoroughly debunked, I submit that a certain percentage of the world's population uses FAR less than this at any given interval in time.  For example, as I'm typing this my grammar skills escaped me.  I then iChatted one of my friends and asked her if it was "'world's population' or 'world's population?'" She gave me the right answer, to which I replied "I don't know why I can never remember that rule."  Her response was as follows, "Probably the same reason I mix up orange and green; visually I get it, but verbally I screw it up every time."  I don't even know what this means...but I immediately asked her permission to include our conversation into this blog.  I won't even bother inserting the cagey remark about how even (incredibly...ahem) intelligent people can slip up OCCASIONALLY (this rule I remember...there is no ASS in occasionally).  This paragraph is simply a disclaimer of sorts...I'm giving myself and us all permission (if I am allowed to grant that, of course) to be complete and utter morons and not have to feel any real sense of guilt or shame from it.  I rarely, if ever do, but sometimes others just need that nudge, that little love pat on the back of the head that makes you spew a little and let out an "umph!"  

There is a season for reason and clearly that season has came and least in my own life.  Currently I am awaiting divorce proceedings to surcease and for my life to return to a stage of "normalcy," whatever THAT [ever] meant.  There is no reasoning behind what is happening in my life at the moment.  There has never been a rhyme scheme in my life that resonated any sense of the word "normal."  My life has been one failed attempt at cheerleading (in the 5th grade) after another.  Like in the 6th grade how I was one of the 3 or so penguins from Mary Poppins because, allegedly, I was too obtuse to get a role that had more than 4 words that actually formed a complete and coherent sentence.  This has been a consistent theme in my life; one which I have embraced and learned to laugh at.  I say if you can't laugh at your own expense....then it makes you a little selfish when you inevitably laugh at others (only a little though).  

The ability to reason is a survival tool;  one that we, over the many many generations of human beings that have transcended through however many epochs, have honed into a finely tuned wreckage of what should have been a gift.  For example, my friend Kristin reminded me this evening of THIS half-baked invention:  The Atom Smasher (or Particle Accelerator to be more pc).  The following excerpt has been taken DIRECTLY from Wikipedia (copy & paste) and I will now make no attempt whatsoever at citing any sources or doing the legally right "thing:"  

In the future, the possibility of black hole (BH) production at the highest energy accelerators may arise if certain predictions of superstring theory are accurate.[14][15] This and other exotic possibilities have led to public safety concerns that have been widely reported in connection with the LHC, which began operation in 2008. The various possible dangerous scenarios have been assessed as presenting "no conceivable danger" in the latest risk assessment produced by the LHC Safety Assessment Group.[16].

"Excuse me sir, what was the part again about public safety concern!?  Oh yes, yes...pardon me I understand now.  So you're telling've created a device that will essentially obliterate the world into a Trekkie's wet dream?  Ok...just confirming the details...continue."

WTH!?  When did it become ok, I mean...ok...apart from the atomic bombs, to create a device that will (as it says this LHC Safety Assessment...snooooooore...Group has concluded  there is "no 'conceivable' danger,") at best,  turn the world into one of those old Zenith Tv blips (you know...the little light fleck that is the result of turning the appliance into "off" mode...)!?  There needs to be a committee that will form a group to regulate these geniuses.  Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to introduce to you the newly formed, and touring stateside, group named:  "The LHC Safety Assessment Group Regulators Who Are Employed And Implored To Skillfully Yet Tactfully Remove Each Dingbat That Is A Part Of Or Assisted In The Creation Of The LHC Safety Assessment Group By Way Of Sniping,"  Or more commonly known as "TLSAGRWAEAITSYTREDTIAPOOAITCOTLSAGBWOS." (Try to find some way to make that audible).  It's going to catch on fast...I can feel it in my bones.  

Reason does not equal rational.  In fact, in very few cases have I found it to, like the aforementioned example, for example.  This quazi-imbecilic reality is made more and more clear to me with interactions of the opposite sex.  Our basic biological make up tells us that we need to propagate.  Our basic spiritual make up tells us that we need to love.  Well, right off the bat these are feuding concepts.  To love one must attach, and to propagate (properly) one must be detached.  So in essence we are a creation of chaos in and of itself.  Reason will not tame this, not always.  Balance.  Balance is the secret to life.  Newton's Law of Reciprocal Actions explains this best to me.  However, for others it may be a duck and a witch...I'm not sure...I'm not a doctor.  Balance.  Balance can only be achieved in one's life (there's that rule again...does that life belong to 'one?') when one truly realizes that they are actually a part of an equation as well; that their LIFE, and every detail that may involve, is simply a scaled down version of a greater source.  As cells are to the body, so are we to the greater balance.  Without knowing our place in this world, our purpose, we will not achieve balance.  HOWEVER, what we will do is endeavor to find all of the answers, confuse ourselves more, hurt ourselves tremendously, and inevitably become nothing more than an example for the younger generations...and then die.  This is my greatest hope.  Well I say this because I've endeavored a great many things and yet, here I am going through a divorce and other trials and tribulations which I find equally as pleasant.  All the while I'm asking myself why, when I know it is because I have no balance.  And yet, I reason with myself that there is more to come...more for me to figure out and more to be explained/revealed to me, knowing full well that the answers are right in front of me...and Occam's Razor would be best be applied now.  But reason does not equal rational then does it?

So here we've discussed spirituality, humor, physics, biology, etc. etc. etc....which I believe will all fall somewhere into the four basic food groups.  These are all basic concepts that have been translated into bigger words for the sake of feeding my ego.  But it gave me an outlet to write and on some level I feel superior to others for whatever reason in writing this now (this is actually my main goal in life).  

A few parting thoughts:

The chicken never actually crossed the road, and if in fact it did undertake this feat it has long since become road kill.  There is no rational reason why it would or could make it to the other side.  

Only in Raelianism did the chicken come before the egg.  

Eggs are meant to be shaken not stirred.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is the result of too much bass in too small of a car (or other environmentishy type places).  

"Going green" is like speeding to get somewhere can shave off a few seconds of your time but ultimately it's not going to make that big of an impact.  Exempli Gratia:  

To travel 5 miles: 

At 70 mph takes 4 minutes, 17 seconds. Savings over 60 mph = 43 seconds. 

At 60 mph takes 5 minutes. Savings over 55 mph = 27 seconds. 

At 55 mph takes 5 minutes, 27 seconds. 

So, as you can see...that $8 to $100k (depending on the size of your home and how cheap you are) that you spent on those solar panels...only shaved 27 seconds off your trip to hell.  Way to go.  

My final thought...if you read this you're officially retarded.  And if you actually read it all the way to this last bit...then I'm officially retarded for continuing to write knowing that you're still going to read it and I'm filling your head with useless information and a sense of overall self loathing which will inevitably lead to some form of self-deprecation.  

I hate the world tonight and it hates me.  My 3D rule applies now:  Death, Dying, Destruction.  The end.  

Love love.

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